Inspiring Girls’ Futures

  • Girls' Clubs

    AWACE works with school systems to form Girls’ Clubs where up to 50 girls come together to build relationships, receive tutoring, and learn important information that will encourage them to finish their education, equip them to generate an income, and empower them to make choices about their futures.

  • Reproductive Health Education

    We believe that knowledge is power, so AWACE works with school systems and other networks to educate women and girls about their bodies, how to care for them, how to treat illnesses, and how to plan for the future. This increases bodily autonomy, improves overall health, and aids women and girls in family planning.

  • Feminine Hygiene Kits

    Girls’ education should not be interrupted or halted because menstruation or menstruation-related illness. AWACE works to provide reusable feminine hygiene kits that will allow girls to stay in school, stay healthy, and manage their periods in dignified ways.

“Now my colleagues and I will have the chance to study with the aims of achieving our dreams and goals.”

Martha, Girls’ Club Participant