Building Healthy Communities

  • Trauma Healing and Peacebuilding

    The trauma of violence and poverty have touched every woman we work with, and it is difficult for them to move forward until they have processed these experiences and learned how to move forward healthily. AWACE guides women through this 6-month program that allows them to share, heal, and grow together.

  • Community-Based Sociotherapy (CBS)

    Much-needed mental healthcare is often scarce in the rural communities where AWACE operates. AWACE trains community-based facilitators to engage these groups in informal therapy sessions that give women the tools they need to survive and thrive in the midst of difficult circumstances.

  • Community Health Advocates

    Physical health is also essential to flourishing, so AWACE trains Community Advocates to be present in rural communities to consistently provide public health education, basic medical care, regular administration of time-sensitive medications, and health guidance to people living far from clinics or hospitals.

  • AWACE on the Radio

    AWACE has the opportunity to engage thousands of listeners on our monthly radio show where we meet with local leaders to have discussions about girls’ education, child marriage, and gender-based violence.

“I am well aware through this campaign that women play a vital role. I cannot hesitate to say that they are allowed to participate with us in leadership and education with no discrimination based on gender difference.”

Reuben, Village Chief & Advocacy Campaign Participant